I hope this newsletter discovers you warm and well this second week of October. Thanks for spending time with me in our regular monthly 5DPT Bulletin. Today we continue our conversation of the Four Rules – we are in Number 3 3: No Snacking. It’s a hardcore one and I dare say most of will or have struggled with snacking following weight reduction surgery.

And, as you will see from the articles in this publication, not all bariatric centers follow the same Four Rules that include no snacking. But what is consistent, across the front lines of these of us coping with weight-loss surgery, is that out-of-control snacking on poorly chosen foods leads to a stall in weight reduction and could lead to weight gain. So please, have a look at the info here, and revisit the information you were provided at the time of your surgery. If you haven’t heard, the LivingAfterWLS magazines, like the 5DPT Owner’s Manual, can be found as eBooks now. Check your favorite store or go to the LivingAfterWLS General Store to learn more.

Now, let’s complicate things. It’s not really about walking vs. Some people can walk faster than other people can jog. In this situation, the walker is burning more calories each and every minute that the jogger. More importantly, most people do not jog that much faster than they fast-walk and they’re able to walk a lot longer than they can run.

For these people, fast walking is usually a preferable exercise to jogging. Q4. What’s your opinion on strength training as far as increasing the number of repetitions vs. My trainer says to boost the amount of weight, and my dietitian says to increase repetitions but keep a low amount of weight. I am attempting to lose a few pounds but wish to gain some muscle to look toned still.

I am 61 years of age and am strong and feel good. This is a common dilemma. Lifting greater amounts of weight for fewer repetitions develops more muscle tissue than lifting small amounts of weight for a higher number of repetitions. But lifting larger weights for fewer reps is associated with an increased risk of injury.

Also, how one defines a low or high number of repetitions is critical to the discussion. In the world of bodybuilding and powerlifting, low reps means two to four. In the global world of weightlifting for health, I’d consider low repetitions to be six to eight. I wouldn’t go below eight reps, and I would make an effort to keep it in the 10 to 12 range. Keeping your reps between 8 and 12 will build healthy muscle and reduce your risk of injury or excessive soreness. When you can lift a given weight 10 to 12 times easily, it’s time for you to increase the weight.

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  • 2 Go for daily walk or jogging daily. Fitness treadmill is likewise have similar benefits
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Keep up the fantastic work! Q5. I am wondering if using an Ab Lounger provides a good exercise on the times that I am not riding a bike or walking to lose the extra weight? The Ab Lounger – a piece of exercise equipment regularly marketed on TV – uses weight training to make a “fancy” sit-up that helps to tighten and tone stomach muscles.

It is not going to burn a substantial amount of calories from fat, however, and does not significantly donate to weight reduction thus. The Ab Lounger isn’t a substitute for bike riding, walking, or other aerobic activities that effectively burn off calories from fat. To lose excess weight – and moreover, keep it off – you will need to exercise at a moderate intensity for about 200 to 300 minutes weekly.

Categories: Health