Though society mainly targets the controversial and negative characteristics of beauty pageants, I feel that we now have some positive aspects that can come from being in a pageant. Participating in a pageant and having a solid self-image can often go hand in hand. Pageants can be a wonderful experience for children, and have them comfortable coming out of their shell being before a crowd.

Being in a pageant and executing can also carry over into a variety of other activities, like dance, episode, music recitals, and future presenting and public speaking. Being in a pageant is also a great way to network, and meet lifelong friends that the child will see at each pageant they go to often.

It is a chance for a parent to teach the children life lessons prefer to be gracious winners and good losers, and help them learn the aspects of rules and fair play. In a single bout of Toddlers and Tiaras that I viewed, I completely decided with one mother’s reasoning as to why she was got by her child started with beauty pageants.

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  • 6 years ago from Australia

8-year-old Lacey Mae is suffering from achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism. Lacey’s mom first made a decision to get into Lacey Mae in a pageant to help build her self-confidence and to allow her to see she is in the same way talented as a normal child. Lacey’s mother informed the camera staff “She inserted her first pageant because these were handing out trophies just for participating.

I’m really hoping someone has a notion of what I’ve experienced since it is the first time I’ve seen these symptoms before. Last week I needed just finished a discussion on my mobile phone (that lasted for about 25mins) and visited have dinner. While I had been eating I occurred to capture my representation in the mirror and to my shock I had formed this kind of red rash predominantly on the remaining side of my face for the top cheek. The other parts of my face seemed okay compared to my cheek. Up to now it has occurred 3 x on three different occasions after using my telephone recently.

This is crazy, can this truly be possible that my phone is causing me to break-out in a rash in the same place? I am using this telephone for nearly 5 years now and have not once experienced a rash before these? Moreover, how come only the upper cheek affected? My lower part of my cheek doesn’t go red like the top of the part.

Categories: Beauty